Saturday, March 9, 2013

From the Beginning

     This is the first entry in my new fitness blog!  For me fitness has been a steady lifelong experience, like a long walk.  Sometimes the walk was more like a jog, a run, or even a sprint.  Other times it was a stroll, a meander, or a skip.  And yet other times it was a dance, a twirl, or even a splash.  But it seems that shortly after birth I began moving, and I've had a love for it ever since.  My body simply works best when I use it!
     I remember as a child, my mom could see the energy building up inside me, and would send me outside to do laps around the house.  Finally, she put me in gymnastics and I discovered my first sport.  I loved gymnastics... the tumbling, the bars, even the balance beam (which was a little scary).  And boy did it make me strong!  I could do more chin ups then the boys at school and even beat a few of them at arm wrestling!  After six years of being a gymnast, I decided I wanted to totally switch gears to soccer (that's what all my friends were doing).  So I traded in my leotard for shin guards.  I liked soccer, but I wasn't very good at it.  I kept at it, though, playing on my high school team as well as on a travel team.  One day I was in regular ol' gym class and I was talking to my coach about soccer and how I didn't love it, and after listening to me he said, "Sounds like you just love should go out for the Cross-Country team."  Brilliant idea!  I don't know why I never thought of it myself.  So that's exactly what I did and I found a new sport to love.  I ran Cross-Country and Track the rest of my high school career and even earned a scholarship to run at a college, but turned it down so that I could stay at home and go to Florida State.

     After high school, I was introduced to Step Aerobics, and for nearly a whole year I didn't run at all, but did Step like crazy.  Then one day I decided that I wanted to go out and run again.  In my mind I could easily run five miles without a thought, and cardiovascularly I could too (because of all the Step Aerobics).  But running and step are two very different exercises, as I would soon find out, and quickly I ended up with an injury (young and stupid, I know).  Ever since then my approach to running has had to be ever so takes very little to flare up that old injury, even to this day.

     But I continued to run (with care), and as an adult began learning new sports such as biking, mountain biking, snowboarding, snow-shoeing, swimming, and strength training.  I even completed a triathlon!  However, mostly during the past five years my consistent form of exercise has been walking.  After my two sons were born life changed tremendously.  My body changed as well.  I slowed down a lot. I rarely missed my morning stroll, it kept me sane...kept me balanced.  But most days that was all I did.  And I am thankful for that time.  Time to slow down, be with my kids while they were little.  Enjoy life at a slower pace.  Thankful, yes...but inside me that athlete was calling....was waiting ever so patiently....and one day it came forth screaming!  But life was different now.  Could I ever be the athlete I once was?  Plus, I was getting older...starting to feel some of those aches and pains.  Could I satisfy the me within in my present life?  Thankfully, the answer was yes, I could...and it was much easier than I had ever imagined. 

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